Find & Track Every RFP, Grant, and Incentive in One Place

Never miss a deadline or opportunity—your single gateway to regulated funding and public procurement.

Advanced Search & Filters

Find relevant opportunities instantly with powerful search and filtering capabilities. Never miss a matching RFP again.

Vendors and businesses see only the most relevant opportunities, without sifting through multiple city websites.

Real-Time Alerts

Stay updated with instant notifications about new opportunities matching your criteria.

Helps busy professionals stay updated and act quickly on new postings.

Automated Categorization

Our AI-powered system automatically categorizes opportunities by sector, department, and type.

Reduces manual sorting; ensures quick route to the right government program.

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Success Story

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Local Success: TechGrow Solutions

"Through CivicOne, we discovered a city-funded program that perfectly matched our expertise. Not only did we win the contract, but it enabled us to expand our team locally, creating new jobs and contributing to the city's tech ecosystem."

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